Monday, October 31, 2022

Five Tips to Boost The Effectiveness of Natural Supplements and Enhance Breast Growth

If you've been thinking about trying to enhance breast size with herbal supplements, you are not alone. Countless women have found that surgery is not an option for them. Many women who have tried herbal breast enlargement products have seen real results. 

There are a few things that you can try to boost the results obtained through herbal breast enlargement products.

Keep a body mass index of 19 or more. One example of a good BMI for herbal breast enlargement is a height of 5'6 and a weight of 124. This BMI would be 20. This is fine. If you don't have enough body fat, your body may not respond well to the herbal treatment. 

You don't need to be too thin. Don't worry though. When you're on the program, the hormone prolactin will cause the modest amount of weight you gain to be turned into the fatty breast tissue.

Avoid Caffeine, Alcohol, and Cigarettes. All of these substances increase the chemical dopamine in your body. Dopamine can decrease the production of prolactin. Prolactin is one of the main breast growth hormones that you need to increase breast size. 

Also, cigarettes reduce blood circulation. Good blood circulation is very important for breast growth. Breast tissue needs good circulation to grow and absorb the herbs that you take.

To further enhance breast growth while using herbal breast growth products, use a heating pad. After you massage the breast enlargement cream, lie down and place the heating pad on your breasts for about 10 minutes. The heat will help your body to better absorb the cream.

Eat a healthy diet. A diet with high protein content and low amounts of artificial sugar and refined carbohydrates is best when trying to enhance breast size.

Eat organic foods when possible and drink filtered water. You want to keep your body free of toxins and excess hormones as much as possible. Breast enlargement herbs will be more readily absorbed if they don't have to compete with other excess hormones or toxins.

If you have decided to try an herbal breast enlargement program, then good for you. They are the safest way to go and the good ones really do work. Maybe these tips will increase your chances of getting the results you want.

CAUTION: Now I need you to pay very close attention to this

We all have enough “Estrogen” in our bodies to make our breasts grow 10-cup sizes if we wanted.

What makes breasts grow are your hormones (not just estrogen) which means you can grow your breasts naturally by eating certain types of foods which increase hormone levels in your body. But for this to be successful, don’t just raise your hormone levels. Raise certain hormones at a certain time of your menstrual cycle.

Let me explain:

When you go through your menstrual cycle, your body raises certain hormones during the cycle. So when your body raises estrogen, you need to eat foods that increase estrogen levels in your body and when your body raises progesterone levels, then eat foods that increase progesterone in your body.

Here is a video that explains it better than I can.

It can take at least 2 months to show results by doing it this way. It’s like going to the gym, changing your body takes time as your body needs to process all the changes.